
Quick Start

The Quick Start example can be found in the Quick Start section and in the quick_start.cpp source file.

A basic example of how to start solving a very simple DAE using the System class.

Simple DAE

Simple DAE source file example: simple_dae.cpp

Here we solve another simple system of DAEs. This example introduces Solution Manager, that will work as a solution observer.

Perovskite model

Perovskite model source file example: perovskite.cpp

A more sophisticated example, where we solve a big DAE system that describes the potential distribution and ion concentration in a perovskite solar cell. We show how to add parameters to the user-defined mass matrix, vector function, and Jacobian. This example also demonstrates a custom Solution Manager implementation that can work as an observer and event function.

Flame propagation model

Flame propagation source file example: flame_propagation.cpp

When you light a match, the ball of flame grows rapidly until it reaches a critical size. Then it remains at that size because the amount of oxygen being consumed by the combustion in the interior of the ball balances the amount of oxigen available through the surface. This example solves stiff equation of flame propagation for the scalar variable \(y(t)\) which represents the radius of the ball.

Jacobian matrix shape

Jacobian matrix shape source file example: jacobian_shape.cpp

This example demonstrates how to define the shape (structure) of the Jacobian matrix. I.e., instead of providing the full analytic Jacobian (or not providing it at all, which is slow if the system is big), the user can specify the positions of non-zero elements in the Jacobian. The solver will use automatic differentiation for the specified elements only. This works (nearly) as fast as the analytic Jacobian without requiring the user to differentiate the vector function manually.

Debugging the user-defined Jacobian

Debugging the user-defined Jacobian example: jacobian_compare.cpp

In this example, we do not solve any DAEs. Instead, we define a simple vector function, the corresponding Jacobian matrix, and then we use a built-in helper class daecpp::JacobianCompare to compare our manually derived Jacobian with the one computed algorithmically from the vector function. We will make a few mistakes in the analytic Jacobian on purpose to see what information daecpp::JacobianCompare can provide.