Solving DAE system

Once the DAE system is defined (see Classes to define DAE system), we are ready to start solving it. Generally, there are two ways of calling the main dae-cpp solver from the program and start computation:

In this section, we consider both approaches to start the computation.

System class

The System class serves as a wrapper for lower level daecpp::solve(...) function calls. The class allows the user to easily set up the DAE system, solve it, and get the result. The class already contains the Solver Options and Solution Holder objects.

System class public members

Object Type Description
opt SolverOptions Solver Options object. Provides default solver options which can be redefined by the user. See Solver Options section.
sol SolutionHolder Solution Holder object. Stores solution vector and the corresponding time for the user. See Solution Holder section.
status daecpp::exit_code Exit code of the solve(...) method. See Exit codes below.

System class constructor

The System class constructor is straightforward:

daecpp::System(Mass mass, RHS rhs);

It takes the user-defined mass matrix object mass (see Mass Matrix class section) and the vector function (the RHS of the system) object rhs (see Vector Function class section). These two objects define the entire DAE system.

System class solve(...) method

The solve(...) method initiates the DAE system solving algorithm, starts computation, and returns daecpp::exit_code (see Exit codes) upon completion. The exit code will be also saved in the status public variable.

Here is the summary of the solve(...) method:

daecpp::exit_code solve(x0, t, [jacobian]);

Parameter Type(s) Description
x0 const daecpp::state_vector & The initial condition (initial state vector)
t const double or const std::vector<double> & Integration interval [0, t] or a vector of integration times (useful if the user needs the output at particular times t)
jacobian User-defined Jacobian Matrix (Optional) User-defined Jacobian matrix (matrix of the RHS derivatives)


A complete example is provided in the Quick Start section. Here are a few simplified examples of how to use the System class:

MyMassMatrix mass; // Mass matrix object
MyRHS rhs;         // Vector-function object

daecpp::System my_system(mass, rhs); // Defines the DAE system object

state_vector x0{0, 1}; // The initial state vector (initial condition)
double t{1.0};         // The integration interval: t = [0, 1.0]

my_system.solve(x0, t); // Solves the system with the given initial condition `x0` and time `t`

Another example:

daecpp::System my_system((MyMassMatrix()), (MyRHS())); // Note the parentheses

my_system.opt.verbosity = daecpp::verbosity::normal; // Update solver options

int status = my_system.solve({0, 1}, 1.0, MyJacobian()); // Solves the system with Jacobian

    my_system.sol.print(); // Prints solution on screen if solution is successfull

Solution vector of vectors x and the corresponding vector of times t will be stored in my_system.sol.x and my_system.sol.t, respectively.

The entire C++ code is provided in the Quick Start example.

daecpp::solve(...) function

Integrates the system of DAEs with the given mass matrix, vector function (the RHS), Jacobian, initial state, time interval(s), solver options, and the given solution manager (observer and event function).

As in the System class, the daecpp::solve(...) function initiates the DAE system solving algorithm, starts computation, and returns daecpp::exit_code (see Exit codes) upon completion.

Here is the summary of the solve(...) function:

daecpp::exit_code solve(mass, rhs, [jac], x0, t, sol_mgr, [opt]);

Parameter Type(s) Description
mass User-defined Mass Matrix Mass matrix of the DAE system
rhs User-defined Vector Function Vector function (the RHS) of the DAE system
jac User-defined Jacobian Matrix (Optional) Jacobian matrix (matrix of the RHS derivatives)
x0 const daecpp::state_vector & The initial condition (initial state vector)
t const double or const std::vector<double> & Integration interval [0, t] or a vector of integration times (useful if the user needs the output at particular times t)
sol_mgr User-defined Solution Manager Solution manager (solution observer and/or event function)
opt const daecpp::SolverOptions & (Optional) Solver options

Exit codes

The solve(...) function can produce the following exit codes upon computation completion:

Exit code Value Description
exit_code::success 0 Solving completed successfully
exit_code::diverged 1 Solution diverged (Newton method diverged)
exit_code::linsolver_failed_decomposition 2 Linear solver: failed matrix decomposition
exit_code::linsolver_failed_solving 3 Linear solver: failed linear system solving
exit_code::unknown 10 Unknown error (can be a bug, should never happen)


An example of using daecpp::solve(...) function is provided in the simple_dae.cpp source file.

Without user-defined Jacobian matrix and solver options:

int main()
    daecpp::state_vector x0{0, 1}; // Initial condition: x = 0, y = 1
    double t_end{1.0};             // Solution interval: t = [0, t_end]

    daecpp::state_vector error; // Absolute error (defined in MyObserver class)

    // Solves the DAE system
    int status = daecpp::solve(MyMassMatrix(), MyRHS(),
                               x0, t_end,

    // Prints the error at the very end of computation
    std::cout << "Abs. error: " << error.back() << '\n';

    return status;

With analytic Jacobian and a few redefined solver options:

int main()
    daecpp::state_vector x0{0, 1}; // Initial condition: x = 0, y = 1
    double t_end{1.0};             // Solution interval: t = [0, t_end]

    daecpp::state_vector error; // Absolute error (defined in MyObserver class)

    // To add user-defined solver options:
    daecpp::SolverOptions opt;
    opt.verbosity = daecpp::verbosity::extra;
    opt.dt_max = 0.01;

    // Solves the DAE system
    int status = daecpp::solve(MyMassMatrix(), MyRHS(), MyJacobian(),
                               x0, t_end,

    // Prints the error at the very end of computation
    std::cout << "Abs. error: " << error.back() << '\n';

    return status;