Sparse Matrix class

Sparse Matrix class daecpp::sparse_matrix defines sparse matrix holder in three-array format. It is used to define the mass matrix and, optionally, the Jacobian matrix of the DAE system. The class provides a set of helper tools for the user to allocate memory, define and convert sparse matrices, etc., in a very straightforward way, e.g.:

sparse_matrix M;                 // Creates empty sparse matrix M
M.reserve(2);                    // Reserves memory for 2 elements (optional)
M.add_element(0, 1, 12.0);       // Fills row 0, column 1 with value 12.0
M.add_element(1, 1, 42.0);       // Fills row 1, column 1 with value 42.0
std::cout << M.dense(3) << '\n'; // Prints matrix M on screen assuming it's a 3x3 matrix

Three-array format

The three-array format defines a sparse matrix using two (unsigned) integer vectors of indices i and j and one floating-point vector A of the corresponding non-zero elements of the matrix. Only non-zero elements of the sparse matrix should be defined and stored. Theoretically, all three arrays can be empty. This will define a zero matrix where all elements are zeros.

All three arrays i, j, and A should be the same size. This can be (and will be) checked by calling the void check() method of the class daecpp::sparse_matrix.

Here is an example of a sparse matrix:

\[\mathbf{M} = \begin{vmatrix} 1 & 0 & 3 \\ 0 & 2 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 \end{vmatrix}.\]

This matrix contains only 3 non-zero elements: 1, 2, and 3. Here is the matrix \(\mathbf{M}\) definition in three-array format:

i (row index) j (column index) A (non-zero element)
0 0 1.0
1 1 2.0
0 2 3.0

The indices i and j define the position of the corresponding non-zero element A in the matrix. Index i is the row index and index j is the column index.

It doesn’t matter in which order you define each element of the matrix.

The row and column numeration starts from 0.

Sparse Matrix class public data

Variable Type Description
A std::vector<float_type> Vector of non-zero elements A
i std::vector<int_type> Vector of row indices i
j std::vector<int_type> Vector of column indices j

For float_type and int_type definition, refer to the Prerequisites section.

All three vectors are initially empty and not preallocated.

Sparse Matrix class methods

void operator()(int_type ind_i, int_type ind_j, float_type A_ij)

Adds next non-zero element to the sparse matrix. Duplicated elements will be summed up.


  • ind_i - row index of the element (int_type)
  • ind_j - column index of the element (int_type)
  • A_ij- non-zero element (float_type)


sparse_matrix M; // Creates empty sparse matrix M
M(0, 1, 42.0);   // Fills row 0, column 1 with value 42.0
M(1, 2, 10.0);   // Defines next non-zero element: row 1, column 2, value 10.0
M(0, 1, 2.0);    // Duplicated element is OK, it will be summed up, i.e., the value will be 44.0

void add_element(int_type ind_i, int_type ind_j, float_type A_ij)

An alias of the operator () defined above. Adds next non-zero element to the sparse matrix. Duplicated elements will be summed up.


  • ind_i - row index of the element (int_type)
  • ind_j - column index of the element (int_type)
  • A_ij- non-zero element (float_type)


sparse_matrix M;           // Creates empty sparse matrix M
M.add_element(0, 1, 42.0); // Fills row 0, column 1 with value 42.0
M.add_element(1, 2, 10.0); // Defines next non-zero element: row 1, column 2, value 10.0
M.add_element(0, 1, 2.0);  // Duplicated element will be summed up, i.e., the value will be 44.0

void reserve(int_type N_elements)

Reserves memory for N_elements non-zero elements. It is strongly advised to allocate memory before filling in the sparse matrix arrays to avoid multiple copying and reallocation.


  • N_elements - estimated number of non-zero elements (int_type)


sparse_matrix M; // Creates empty sparse matrix M
M.reserve(16);   // Pre-allocates memory for 16 non-zero elements

void clear()

Clears the sparse matrix arrays and frees the memory. Invalidates iterators and pointers. The matrix becomes a zero matrix.

void check() const

Performs a few basic checks of the matrix structure. Particularly, checks that the size of vectors i, j, and A is the same. If it fails, the solver exits with error message (it is not possible to recover).

auto dense(int_type N) const

Represents matrix in dense format. Suitable for printing using std::cout.


  • N - matrix size (square matrix N x N) (int_type)


  • Dense matrix representation in Eigen format.


sparse_matrix M;                 // Creates empty sparse matrix M
M(0, 1, 42.0);                   // Fills row 0, column 1 with value 42.0
std::cout << M.dense(3) << '\n'; // Prints matrix on screen assuming it's a 3x3 matrix

Eigen::SparseMatrix<float_type> convert(int_type N) const

Converts matrix from dae-cpp three-array format to Eigen::SparseMatrix format.


  • N - matrix size (square matrix N x N) (int_type)


  • Eigen::SparseMatrix<float_type> (core::eimat) sparse matrix.

std::size_t N_elements() const

Returns the number of non-zero elements in the matrix (including duplicates, if any).