Utility functions and constants

This section describes utility functions and constants that can be useful in the user’s project.

Get the solver version

The current version of dae-cpp can be obtained either by using the following macro:


or by accessing the following constants (static constexpr uint16_t) in the daecpp namespace:



dae-cpp provides a simple timer based on std::chrono::steady_clock which is used internally in the solver, but it is also exposed for the user in the daecpp namespace. The timer measures time spent by the program in the given scope and saves it in milliseconds in a variable of type double:

double time{}; // Stores time (in ms)
    daecpp::Timer timer(&time); // Starts the timer

    // << TASK >>

} // End of scope stops the timer

In the example above, we initialize the variable time, which will store the time in milliseconds. Then we define the scope and create an object of class daecpp::Timer by passing the address of the variable time. Constructing this object starts the timer. When we reach the end of the scope that we defined, the timer object will be destroyed. This stops the timer, and the computation time (in milliseconds) will be written into the time variable.

Note that the time variable can be reused. We can start a new timer in another scope passing the address of time again. The computation time will be added to the previous value.