Solution Manager class

The Solution Manager class can serve as a solution observer and/or as an event function that stops computation (or reduces the time step) when a certain event occurs. Solution Manager functor will be called every time step, providing the time t and the corresponding solution vector x for the user for further post-processing. If the functor returns an integer which is not equal to 0 (or daecpp::solver_command::continue_integration), the solver behaviour will depend on the return value of the functor:

  • If the functor returns daecpp::solver_command::stop_intergration (or any other integer except defined below), the computation will immediately stop.
  • daecpp::solver_command::decrease_time_step: the solver will continue integration but the next time step will be reduced by a factor of dt_decrease_factor from the SolverOptions class.
  • daecpp::solver_command::decrease_time_step_and_redo: the solver will abort the current time step and will redo it with the decreased (by a factor of dt_decrease_factor) time step.

The solver commands can be useful in the situations when the solver needs to stop once one of the variables reaches the given value, and the solver should not “overshoot”. An example of the Solution Manager class that “tells” the solver to decrease the time step and stop when the variable reaches the given value with the given tolerance is provided below.

The solver provides a derived from the Solution Manager class called daecpp::Solution, which writes the solution vector x and time t every time step or every specific times defined by the user into the Solution Holder object. The user can access this object for further post-processing, printing the solution on the screen or writing it to a file.

By default, the DAE solver does nothing with the solution, i.e., it does not print it on the screen or save it anywhere. It is the user’s responsibility to define a Solution Manager object that processes the solution (saves it to a vector, to a file, etc.). The solver, however, provides a basic Solution Manager called daecpp::Solution.

Solution Manager definition

The Solution Manager class daecpp::SolutionManager is a virtual class that provides an interface to define the Solution Manager. In order to make use of this class, the user should inherit it and overload the () operator:

class UserDefinedSolutionManager : public daecpp::SolutionManager
    int operator()(const daecpp::state_vector &x, const double t)
        // Solution Manager definition

        return 0; // Returns 0 by default (or `daecpp::solver_command::continue_integration`)

The operator () will be called every time step, providing the user with the current state x and the corresponding time t. If the functor returns daecpp::solver_command::stop_intergration, the computation will stop. The user is free to define the solution container and save the solution within the Solution Manager class. The solver provides SolutionHolder helper class that stores solution vectors x and the corresponding times t.

The type of vector x in the class definition above is daecpp::state_vector, which is an alias of std::vector<float_type> type. See dae-cpp types section for more information.

Example 1

In the following example, we define a custom Solution Manager that performs the following 3 tasks:

  • writes the element x[0] of the solution x and time t into std::vector every time step,
  • prints time t and x[0] on the screen every time step,
  • stops computation if x[0] becomes negative.
class UserDefinedSolutionManager : public daecpp::SolutionManager
    daecpp::state_vector &m_x_sol; // Vector of solutions x[0]
    std::vector<double> &m_t_sol;  // Vector of the corresponding times t

    UserDefinedSolutionManager(daecpp::state_vector &x_sol, std::vector<double> &t_sol)
        : m_x_sol(x_sol), m_t_sol(t_sol) {}

    int operator()(const daecpp::state_vector &x, const double t)
        const auto x_0 = x[0]; // Solution element of interest

        m_x_sol.push_back(x_0); // Writes x[0] every time step
        m_t_sol.push_back(t);   // Writes time t every time step

        std::cout << t << '\t' << x_0 << '\n'; // Prints t and x[0] on screen

        if (x_0 < 0.0)
            return -1; // Stops computation if x[0] is negative

        return 0;

Vectors x_sol and t_sol should be defined before calling the UserDefinedSolutionManager constructor and must live until the end of the computation. They shouldn’t be passed to the constructor as temporary objects and must not go out of scope before finishing the system solving (otherwise, this will lead to dangling references &m_x_sol and &m_t_sol in the class definition above).

Similar to the mass matrix, vector function and Jacobian matrix definitions, inhereting the daecpp::SolutionManager class is a good practice (it serves as a blueprint), but it is not necessary. The user is allowed to define custom Solution Managers without inhereting daecpp::SolutionManager.

Example 2

In the example below, consider the analytic solution is x[0] = 2 - t, so x[0] = 1 at time t = 1. Imagine we need to stop integration when x[0] = 1 exactly (with the given tolerance). Here is an example of the Solution Manager class that can be used to achieve that:

constexpr double tol{1e-6}; // Tolerance

class UserDefinedSolutionManager
    daecpp::SolutionHolder &m_sol;

    bool m_keep_reducing_time_step{false};

    void m_save_solution(const daecpp::state_vector &x, const double t)

    UserDefinedSolutionManager(daecpp::SolutionHolder &sol) : m_sol(sol) {}

    int operator()(const daecpp::state_vector &x, const double t)
        // Stop once x[0] == 1.0 (with the given tolerance)
        if (std::abs(x[0] - 1.0) < tol)
            m_save_solution(x, t);
            return daecpp::solver_command::stop_intergration;

        // In case the solver "overshoots" and x[0] is below 1.0
        if (x[0] < 1.0)
            m_keep_reducing_time_step = true;
            return daecpp::solver_command::decrease_time_step_and_redo;

        m_save_solution(x, t);

        // The x[0] value is getting close to 1.0 but we need to reduce the time step
        // to avoid "overshooting"
        if (m_keep_reducing_time_step)
            return daecpp::solver_command::decrease_time_step;

        return daecpp::solver_command::continue_integration;

Solution Holder class

The Solution Holder class daecpp::SolutionHolder is a helper class that stores solution vectors x and the corresponding times t. In addition, it provides a utility method that prints the entire solution or selected elements of the solution versus time on the screen. The objects of the Solution Holder class can be used with the user-defined Solution Managers or together with the Solution class.

Solution Holder class public data

Variable Type Description
x std::vector<daecpp::state_vector> Vector of solution vectors
t std::vector<double> Vector of the corresponding solution times

Thus, for example, the solution time t_end (time at the final time step) and the corresponding solution x_end can be accessed by

daecpp::SolutionHolder sol;

double t_end = sol.t.back();               // Time `t_end` at the last time step
daecpp::state_vector x_end = sol.x.back(); // Solution vector at time `t_end`

Solution Holder class methods

void print(const std::vector<std::size_t> &ind = {}) const

A helper function to print x and t on screen. By default, prints the entire vector x and the corresponding time t.


  • (optional) ind - vector of solution indices (out of range indices will be ignored) for printing (std::vector<std::size_t>)


daecpp::SolutionHolder sol;

// Prints only 0th, 1st, and 42nd elements of the solution vector
sol.print({0, 1, 42});

Solution class

Solution class daecpp::Solution is derived from daecpp::SolutionManager and serves as a basic solution observer that writes solution vectors x and the corresponding times t every time step or every specific time from t_output vector (that can be optionally provided in the constructor) into daecpp::SolutionHolder class object. The Solution class is also used in the daecpp::System class as a default Solution Manager.

Solution class constructor

Solution(SolutionHolder &sol, const std::vector<double> &t_output)

Constructs Solution class object.


  • sol - daecpp::SolutionHolder object that will store the solution
  • (optional) t_output - a vector of output times for writing (std::vector<double>)

Solution Holder sol should be defined before calling the Solution class constructor and must live until the end of the computation. It shouldn’t be passed to the constructor as a temporary and must not go out of scope before finishing the system solving (the solver writes data to sol).


daecpp::SolutionHolder sol; // Solution Holder
daecpp::Solution mgr(sol);  // Solution Manager

Alternatively, in order to write the solution at time t_output, which is equal to, for example, 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 only:

daecpp::Solution mgr(sol, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0}); // Solution Manager that filters time `t`

After solving the system, the solution will be stored in the sol object (Solution Holder).